This is how we are Preventing COVID-19

 “Preventing covid19” is our goal to keep covid19 out of The Elephant Home all the time. We know that travelers world-over are terrified by the health risks caused by this virus. Based on this background, we are working both hard and smart; our guest’s safety at the Elephant home is secured.

Whether by reading here or by visiting to stay with us, you will be impressed by what we are doing to prevent this invisible enemy from infecting you during your stay at the elephant home. We have put in place a complex cleaning strategy based on benchmarking, awareness, implementation, monitoring, and networking both locally and globally to create partnerships that add value to our efforts.

In our multi-dimensional hygiene strategy, we have a four level cleaning approach for the guest rooms and detailed repetitive approach of cleaning the common areas. Choosing to stay at the elephant home during this covid19 era gives you an opportunity to exploit the safety and goodness that comes with our enhanced cleaning process.

You may also want to read our full article on preventing covid19, here.